There’s many DIFFERENT ways to paint a PORTRAIT…

…and there’s as many ways to share that knowledge to an audience. Even the Loomis method, a method for drawing portraits invented by Andrew Loomis in the early 20th century, can be applied to the process of portraiture in many different ways once you understand it.
Every-time I prepare a lesson I work through the process that gets me to what I’m trying to achieve to figure out the best way to transfer that knowledge, and every time I do that I learn new ways to do the things I’ve done before and in doing that I create lots of little works…some of them I keep, some I sell and some I give away…. 😊

Expressive drawing…

…is the kind of drawing that expresses emotion through the marks (charcoal, pencil, pastel or paint marks) rather than the actual subject drawn. Whether gestural and strong contrast or gentle and tonally subtle, the work speaks more about the artist than the chosen subject, so much so that exactly the same subject can be drawn many times and each drawing look wildly different.

Same subject, different day.

Same subject, different day.